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Do You Need a Root Canal If Your Tooth Stops Hurting?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — plushdentistry @ 9:17 pm
person wondering if they still need root canal

Experiencing a severe toothache can stem from various causes, and one common culprit is a tooth infection resulting from bacteria infiltrating the tooth, often originating from an untreated cavity. The appropriate treatment for such an infection is root canal therapy, aimed at addressing the issue and preserving the tooth. While persistent pain is a typical indicator of a tooth infection, there are instances when the pain may seemingly vanish abruptly. Explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and understand why root canal therapy remains crucial, even if the pain subsides temporarily.

What Makes a Toothache Go Away?

Mild tooth pain is typically associated with minor issues like a small cavity, while intense pain may indicate a more serious problem such as a tooth infection. However, if the pain suddenly disappears, it doesn’t signify the resolution of the infection; rather, it could indicate a worsening situation.

The sudden relief of a severe toothache often indicates nerve damage caused by the infection. Despite the apparent decrease in pain, it remains imperative to undergo root canal therapy.

Neglecting treatment may allow the infection to progress, causing damage to the bone surrounding the tooth. Moreover, the infection may enter the bloodstream, posing the risk of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening condition. Swift and thorough treatment is essential to prevent these severe consequences.

How Root Canal Therapy Can Help

Root canal procedures are designed to save severely infected teeth. Your dentist will prioritize a pain-free experience by administering local anesthesia before initiating the procedure. If you require additional assistance in maintaining comfort throughout the treatment, you can discuss various dental sedation options with your dentist.

After numbing the area, your dentist will initiate the process by extracting the infected pulp, followed by a thorough cleaning and sanitization of the tooth. The next step involves filling the tooth with a biocompatible material and sealing it using a filling or crown.

Root canal therapy not only provides relief from the persistent toothache by eliminating the affected nerves but also serves a critical role in preventing the spread of infection. By addressing the infection at its source, this treatment helps safeguard against potential complications that could affect other areas of your mouth or even your overall health!

Root canal therapy stands as a reliable and secure procedure, offering an effective solution to rescue severely infected teeth, provide relief from persistent toothaches, and act as a preventative measure against potential complications. Should you encounter any dental concerns, it is advisable not to delay but instead promptly seek assistance from your dentist to ensure you receive the necessary care for your oral health!

About the Practice

Plush Dentistry is run by Dr. Faizan Ali and Dr. Naira Kraipak, two skilled dentists who lead a team of caring, capable oral health specialists. They aim to help you achieve the best possible oral health through services like root canal therapy. They are enthusiastic about educating patients on the significance of receiving timely care, emphasizing its role in preventing infections from worsening and promoting excellent dental well-being. To schedule an appointment or if you want to learn more about root canal therapy, call their office at (469) 850-0786 or visit their website.

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