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Dentures – Frisco, TX

Give the World a Full Smile Again

If you are considering dentures, we invite you to schedule a consultation so we can review your case and discuss your options. As removable prosthetics, dentures in Frisco, TX can be a good option for patients who are missing most or all of their natural teeth.

Why Choose Plush Dentistry for Dentures?

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

a couple smiling about being good candidates for dentures

If you’re missing one, some, or all of your teeth, then you might consider getting dentures as one of the most popular choices. Fortunately, you won’t need much to be a good candidate for these prosthetics. Since this treatment is versatile and completely personalized for each patient, nearly everyone struggling with tooth loss can benefit from this option. To be certain that you’re eligible, however, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with our team. If you wish to learn more about what makes a good dentures candidate, read on or reach out to our office.

Effects of Missing Teeth

a woman smiling with dentures while looking out the window

Tooth loss can occur for many different reasons, such as accidental injury, dental decay, or even gum disease. Many times, simply having poor oral hygiene or forgetting to clean their smile can result in someone losing their pearly whites. Not only can this lead to complications in your bite, such as difficulty eating or speaking clearly, but your jawbone can begin to deteriorate. Without enough strong and healthy bone tissue, you can end up experiencing further tooth loss! For these reasons, you’ll want to seek treatment to effectively replace your missing teeth and maintain good oral health.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

a man with dentures and headphones smiling outside

The majority of people who suffer from mild to severe tooth loss are eligible to get dentures. That said, we’ll still need to consider a few other factors, such as decay and sensitivity. Our team will need to confirm that you have healthy gums and jawbone tissue before moving forward with your treatment plan. You’ll also need to be committed to practicing strict oral hygiene and visiting your dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings.

When getting your dentures, we’ll determine the kind you’ll get based on the number of teeth needing to be replaced. For one or some missing teeth, we can offer partial dentures. If your upper and/or lower arches are empty, then we can provide you with full dentures.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

a man checking his dental restorations in a mirror

If you aren’t a good candidate for dentures, it doesn’t mean you won’t have other tooth-replacement options to consider. Our team at PLUSH Dentistry can also offer alternative restoration options like:

  • Dental bridges – This treatment can help replace one or several missing teeth in a row. These restorations typically consist of two crowns that are fitted to the healthy teeth on either side of the gap, which anchor the pontics or artificial teeth to bridge your smile. This procedure involves shaving down a small amount of your enamel.
  • Dental implants – By embedding titanium posts into your jawbone, you can directly anchor your restorations for superior stability and functionality. While this treatment involves an extensive recovery period for osseointegration, your results can last several decades to a lifetime with minimal dental care.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Partial Dentures

Four types of dentures

Partial dentures, or “partials,” may be a good option if you have several teeth missing, or if a crown is not an option. Partials consist of prosthetic teeth that are attached to a metal frame. The frame connects to the natural teeth to complete the arch. Partials can be made to fit an upper or lower arch, and they provide an appealing aesthetic. Each prosthetic tooth is individually crafted to match the color, shape, and size that fits your mouth the best.

Full Dentures

Hand holding a full denture

If you are considering full dentures—which replace all teeth on either or both arches—rest assured that our expert team can create prosthetics that will look like your natural teeth. If any existing teeth need to be removed, we will start with these extractions, and then take impressions. From those impressions, we will create your final dentures. In the interim, we can make a temporary set that you can wear immediately. We will monitor your healing process if you had teeth extracted, and once your final set is ready, we will work with you to make sure you are getting a good fit.

Dental Implant-Supported Dentures

Model of implant supported dentures

With an implant-supported denture, we combine a traditional denture with the strength of dental implants to create a more secure fit and more natural feel. The process for an implant-supported denture is similar to that of traditional dentures. We will begin with any needed extractions, and we can provide a temporary set of dentures for use until the final version is ready.

We will work closely with a prosthodontist who will place your dental implants, which are made of titanium and secured into your jawbone. Once the implants are placed, you will need time to heal, so we can ensure the implant posts have properly fused to the bone. This may take anywhere from three to six months. When you have properly healed, we can attach the denture, which snaps onto the implants. Your denture can be removed and reattached easily, with the security of the implants to keep it in place.

How Dentures Are Made

Patient in Frisco smiling with dentures

The decision to get dentures is only the first step in a fascinating process that produces your new prosthetics. If you’ve ever wondered what goes into the creation of dentures, look no further! Below you’ll find some excellent information on materials, processes, and the timeline you can expect with the fabrication of your new smile. As always, if you have any questions, please give us a call. We’re happy to help you learn more!

What Are Dentures Made Of?

Dentist in Frisco handling dentures

The average dentures are made up of two distinct parts, the base and the false teeth that are molded into them.

  • Denture Base: This is the foundation of your dentures that will go over your gums and hold the prosthetics in place. It can be made from many different materials, including nylon, porcelain, metal, or resin. However, the most popular choice is acrylic for its natural look, functionality, and comfort.
  • Artificial Teeth: These are the functional parts of your dentures that allow you to chew, speak, and smile. While your new teeth can be made of several mediums, most dentists (and patients) prefer to use porcelain because of its natural appearance and durability.

The Denture Creation Process

An example of a model for dentures in Frisco

Dentures are custom-made for every Individual patient. This is why there’s a multi-step process in place to ensure that they not only fit well but also look natural when worn. Here’s what you can expect from start to finish:

  • Step 1: We’ll take an impression of your upper and lower gums. This serves as a template that can be used to make a model of your mouth.
  • Step 2: The model is sent to a partnered dental laboratory where it’s turned into a wax replica of your remaining teeth, if any, and your gums.
  • Step 3: Artificial teeth are set into the wax model using a device called an articulator. A skilled dental technician will then make any necessary adjustments.
  • Step 4: The wax model is sent back to our office for a test fit. Afterward, we send it back to the lab.
  • Step 5: Using a plaster casting process, the lab techs create a mold for your permanent dentures.
  • Step 6: The newly created mold is filled with acrylic before hardening into its final shape. Then it’s removed from the mold with special tools.
  • Step 7: The denture is cleaned and adjusted to ensure a comfortable fit. It’s then sent back to our office for a final fitting.
  • Step 8: After your final fitting, you’ll be able to take your dentures home to begin enjoying their exciting benefits! The whole process from the first consultation to the time you receive your prosthetics is around eight weeks.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

Patient in Frisco smiling with friends

Once you start wearing your new prosthetics, you may feel some slight discomfort and difficulty with speech. Using dentures is a skill, so you’ll need to practice with them to ensure that you can eat, speak, and smile normally. These issues are temporary and will fade with time and general use. Until then, try to practice speaking aloud and eating a soft food diet.

Benefits of Dental Implant-Supported Dentures

Dentist showing patient dental implant model

The benefits of an implant-supported denture include:

Bone Preservation with Dentures and Dental Implants

Animated dental implant placement in jawbone

One important distinction between traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures is the long-term impact on your jawbone. With traditional dentures, over time, patients will experience bone loss. This is because once the natural teeth are gone, the bone weakens with lack of use. However, with an implant-supported denture, the implants act more like natural teeth, which keeps your jawbone stronger over time.

Maintaining Your Partials and Dentures

Older man sharing smile with natural looking denture

At Plush Dentistry, we want you to get the most out of your prosthetic. We will provide you with instructions for ongoing care, which includes:

Like any artificial device, dentures and partials do eventually wear out, and they need to be replaced. This is important to note, as sometimes patients incorrectly assume this is a permanent solution that requires no additional upkeep.

Ongoing dental care is still important, as we need to make sure no other issues are developing. We also want to ensure your prosthetic is still fitting comfortably. Additionally, changes in your gums will require that you have your denture relined from time to time. With proper care, you can expect to get many years of use from your denture.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Lady thinks something over

It’s perfectly understandable to ask how much it will cost to enjoy all the benefits that dentures offer. Since each set of dentures is customized to suit the patient’s needs and preferences, the overall price can vary considerably. Here’s a brief guide to what determines how much a set of dentures costs as well as what you should know about insurance and financing. Our team at Plush Dentistry will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you navigate your payment options.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

Lady presents viewer with dentures

The cost of a set of dentures is largely determined by three factors, those being:

  • Preparatory treatments: If you need any procedures like gum disease treatment or tooth extractions before receiving dentures, the cost of these treatments will be reflected in your final bill.
  • Base material: The type of acrylic used to craft the base of your dentures influences the overall cost.
  • Replacement teeth: The artificial teeth of a set of dentures are usually made from acrylic or porcelain, and choosing a more expensive option will increase the price.

When shopping for dentures, keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Cheap dentures are likely to be made from inferior materials and may lead to dental injuries or require replacement sooner.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Illustration of implant dentures

Since implant dentures require the placement of several dental implants, they are more expensive than traditional dentures. However, this extra effort and expense goes a long way since implant dentures offer a wealth of benefits such as greater stability, a longer lifespan, enhanced chewing ability, and the improved confidence that comes with not worrying about your teeth slipping when you speak or eat. This investment can pay off considerably, especially when you consider that implant dentures can go much longer before needing replacement than traditional appliances.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Man goes over paperwork

Each dental insurance plan is different, so some plans offer more coverage for dentures than others. However, dentures are usually covered by about 50% by most dental insurance policies, and our team will be more than happy to go over your plan with you so you can get the most out of it.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Lady smiles

Since many patients don’t have dental insurance, we offer several other ways to pay for your dentures. These include:

  • Financing options: By partnering with CareCredit, we offer a selection of plans that break your overall bill into smaller monthly installments with little or no interest.
  • In-house membership plan: For one low annual fee, you gain access to a range of dental services without having to worry about deductibles, yearly maximums, or bothersome claim forms.

During your consultation, we will gladly go over your payment options with you so you can make the best decision. Feel free to schedule yours at your convenience.

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